One note about pruning, however: you want to make sure that you aren’t pruning too much off each plant, which will significantly scale back any harvest you are hoping to bring to your family table.And the bonus is when you take the suckers you get from pruning, and propagate them for new plants. You will also be able to see more of the leaves without having to move branches to investigate whether your plant has an infestation. By keeping your plants pruned back, you will allow for the sunshine to get to the middle of the plant, which will help with its growth. Pruning is a great way to make your morning walk around the garden quick and efficient. Keep your plants pruned back as much as is healthy for them.If you find them, deal with them swiftly. Turn them over and look for eggs, larvae, or droppings. Take a moment to examine the leaves that look different from the others, or damaged. It’s centering, and will help you get a good return on your gardening investment. Taking a walk around your garden each morning, examining the leaves and the fruit is a great practice.When you “know” the plants in your garden, you will be able to tell when something is off with your plant, which will help you identify the issue you are looking at and combat it efficiently. Being familiar with the plants you are growing at each stage of their growth is half the battle in gardening. Make an appearance in your garden every morning.POSITION YOURSELF FOR SUCCESS IN YOUR GARDENīefore I get to the how-to, let me give you some of my best tips to head any pests off at the pass before you need a pest-control plan. Because I am an organic gardener and tend toward avoiding pesticides of any kind, I’m going to share with you how to get rid of tomato hornworms in your garden without them. The organic pesticide that you would use for a hornworm infestation is bacillus thuringiensis (BT). Some people turn to organic pesticides to keep the population under control, and if you feel like time is slim, that may be the way you want to go. There are definitely ways to keep their population at bay, if not avoid them all together if you are diligent. You may find yourself running for the pesticides if you see that your plants’ stems are stripped clean of their leaves, but not to worry. You may feel like all hope is lost if you find that your plants have a tomato worms infestation, but that’s simply not true at all.