Here are some major video game deals events to keep an eye out for. The biggest downside is while Black Friday is predictable, most of the publisher events aren't, with the exception of stuff like Nintendo's "MAR10 Day" promotion on and around March 10 each year. If you're a PC gamer, you know all too well the allure of Steam Sales and how it's hard to resist a 90% price reduction even when you have a backlog of 100 games already. Outside of Black Friday, special publisher and storefront deal events are the absolute best way to overload your backlog for less. Fortunately IGN Deals covers Black Friday extensively, so make sure to follow us on Twitter and bookmark our official IGN Deals page. Many of those easly deals will last through the actual Black Friday date, but the absolute cream of the crop often sell out before Monday. That being said, the brunt of these video game deals happen at the start of the Black Friday shopping extravaganza, sometimes as early as Sunday afternoon. Once upon a time, Black Friday was the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving, but the event has grown to encompass a two to three-week window starting the weekend before Thanksgiving and running through Cyber Week (the week immediately following Black Friday week). Without a doubt, Black Friday is the best time to score tons of deals on everything, but in particular, video games. You can find games on sale constantly, but the absolute best times to score deals on games generally fall into two categories: special publisher events, and Black Friday.

Sometimes, those deal prices will be the lowest prices, ever, and will occur over an otherwise nondescript time period.

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